NEW Forecast Pricing for Australian Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Forecast Pricing for Australian Fresh Fruit & Vegetables - price, volume, seasonal supply patterns, and retail promotional data from the past five years to forecast wholesale and retail pricing for the next four weeks.

At Freshlogic, we are committed to providing you with the tools you need to navigate the complexities of the fruit and vegetable market. We’re excited to introduce a new feature to our Weekly Pricing and Trading Influences (WPTI) service: Forecasting Pricing.

What is WPTI?

WPTI has been tracking weekly wholesale and retail prices for over 50 fruit and vegetable categories for more than 8 years. Our real-time online platform helps businesses like yours make informed decisions based on best available data.

Introducing the Forecasting Function

Our new Forecasting system draws on price, volume, seasonal supply patterns, and retail promotional data from the past five years to forecast wholesale and retail pricing for the next four weeks. We will continue to invest in this capability, leveraging all available data sources. This function also includes forecasts for total fruit and total vegetables prices. This enhanced capacity tool enables:

  • Viewing Weekly Forecasts: Easily access predicted pricing trends directly on your online platform.
  • Informing Decision-Making: Anticipate market movements and adjust your tactics proactively.
  • Enhancing Planning: Inform your inventory management processes to your advantage.

For valuable insights on your fruit or vegetable category and to stay ahead in the market, contact us today or book a demonstration.

Forecast Pricing Graph Image - Capsicum Example


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