Investment Market Analysis
Tailored Analysis
An analysis to inform investment decisions for new ventures and acquisitions in the fruit and vegetable industry. This analysis is compiled to complement proposals submitted to finance providers.
Freshlogic offer a customised report and in-depth analysis focusing on the production, distribution, and demand dynamics within a specified category.
This comprehensive study profiles pivotal influencers and identifies emerging trends that have the potential to significantly impact performance and drive growth opportunities.
These essential insights highlight the category’s nuances and their implications for investors considering farm development or farm acquisition.
Utilised Data & Analysis:
- International Trade Data encompassing both exporting and importing countries.
- THRUchain model outputs detailing domestic market volumes, values, and
distribution channel shares. - Comprehensive profiling of supply and demand patterns for competing alternative products.
- Mealpulse food consumer panel data capturing category purchase behaviors and attitudes.
- Horticultural sector data aggregating country capacity insights from diverse sources.
Freshlogic reports are crafted to provide a targeted analysis that identifies crucial findings, extending them to reveal commercial implications relevant to investment decisions.
Available over 50 fruit & vegetable categories