Vegetable Purchasing Trends: Insights into Household Preferences and Buying Patterns

Household purchasing data for various vegetables over the year ending September 2024 reveals a wide range of performance across categories in terms of purchase volume, frequency, and household penetration.

Household purchasing data for various vegetables over the year ending September 2024 reveals a wide range of performance across categories in terms of purchase volume, frequency, and household penetration. Some vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, are frequently purchased in large quantities and show high household penetration, while others, like kale and asparagus, are purchased less often and by fewer households.

Freshlogic | VEG Household Penetration per Trip

Key Insights from Freshlogic’s Analysis:

Potatoes: Averaging 1.84 kg per trip, potatoes had the highest household penetration at 86%, with 25.5 trips annually.

Carrots: Purchased in 0.83 kg quantities per trip, carrots recorded a penetration rate of 91% with 21 trips annually.

Onions: With an average of 0.73 kg per trip, onions were purchased by 74% of households across 29.6 trips annually.

Kale: Averaging just 0.2 kg per trip, kale had 4 annual trips per household and only 13.5% penetration.

Asparagus: Purchased in small quantities of 0.2 kg per trip, asparagus saw 7.8 trips annually and 32.8% penetration.

Zucchinis: Averaging 0.42 kg per trip, zucchinis saw 14.3 trips annually and a household penetration of 48%.

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