Playing to Win, Southern Hemisphere Exports Are a Team Game

Totalling $15.7B for fruit alone, Southern Hemisphere exports continue to achieve growth though a small number of exporters with focus and alignment at all levels.

Totalling $15.7B for fruit alone, Southern Hemisphere exports of fresh fruit and vegetables continue to realise strong growth to support global demand for perennial fruit supply.

These exports are dominated by a small number of organised producing nations, with these nations often taking advantage of new market opportunities through massive scaling of national production in successful export commodities.

South American exporting nations have been particularly successful with this strategy in recent years.

For example, Peru has increased it’s grape exports 35% in volume and 44% in value in the 5 year period from 2015-16 to 2020-21 seasons. This is on the back of massive plantings, with production area rising from 2800Ha to 32,000Ha in this time according to the USDA. Similarly, explosive growth was also seen in citrus and berries in the first half of the decade.

This rapid export expansion has been enabled due to a high level of co-operation at all levels. Producers in these nations have moved in concert to markets, including both larger producers and SMEs within these countries.

A key aspect of this is the healthy government support of export development activity. This includes funding for training and building export capacity. Additionally, these nations have also largely embraced a free market approach, actively targeting and expanding market access through FTA where market opportunities exist.

As evidenced in these examples, development of export markets is a team game, requiring alignment of producers, logistics providers and government to play and win.

With rapid development of Southern Hemisphere export markets, exporters will need to be increasingly literate in the movement of world trade to identify export opportunities.

Find out more about Southern Hemisphere exports with Freshlogic’s Export Analysis.


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